Well folks, we nearly made it. 2020 was awful. 2021 wasn’t so hot. But 2022? I can always complain, but I won’t. Instead, I’m very into looking forward once again. I’m so into the future, in fact, that I’m going to put it out there that in 2023 I plan on adding a paid subscriber option to The Melt since I somehow doubled my readership over the last six months doing this newsletter that, I’ll admit, was really just started on a lark. Does that mean I’ll post less? Absolutely not! In fact, the paid subscriber thing, whenever I drop it, will be so I can do more including getting the best of the best, the cream of the crop, legends only writers to contribute, and maybe The Melt will become A Thing in the next year.
But that’s in the future. I’m aiming for a February announcement but I want to get all my ducks in a row first. So what I’m asking you, my dear reader, is maybe suggesting The Melt to a friend or five. I’m not looking to turn this thing into a cash cow, but I do think there’s an opportunity to do something fun and the more eyeballs the better.
With that all said, I’d like to present the first annual Diamond Forecast for the year ahead. Just a mix of things I think we’ll see and that I’d like to see in 2023. There is so much out there aimed at robbing your attention, I’m here to give you the good stuff.
Kyoto time!
Japan lifted its restrictions on people traveling to the country this past fall and I’ve heard half a dozen folks I know say they booked tickets there in 2023. And while Tokyo remains the place you need to see, every single person I know visiting Japan has Kyoto on their itinerary. Between sampling little fishes and the Snoopy store in the Nishiki Market and the old temples and shrines, an Ace Hotel opened up there, which probably seems familiar to a few Americans who might be going to an unfamiliar place for the first time. And with the rumors that the third season of The White Lotus will take place in Kyoto, I bet even more people will be curious to check it out.
The Slice Wars!
Did you hear that the best pizza in the world can be found in Williamsburg? I will neither argue or confirm this, but I will say that after years of people trying to get fancy, trying to be the next Roberta’s or trying to “elevate” pizza, the humble slice has gotten itself back in the spotlight whether it’s any of the spots in Williamsburg, Baby Luc’s on Court Street or my own personal new-school favorite, Upside. Here’s what I think: You’re going to see a very 1980s “New York-Style Pizza” sort of comeback all over. One of two of these places will branch out and you’ll start seeing them popping up in other cities and the pi(e) will be completed.
Lydia Tár will have her revenge!
Lydia Tár has become an anti-hero on a level usually reserved for Tony Soprano or Patrick Bateman. A terrible person who ruins lives but we, the viewer, are obsessed with. But, in case you didn’t realize this, Lydia is a woman. And the last decade has been litered with the annoying debate over “unlikeable female characters” and the “problem” some people have with them. I love unlikeable characters in general and I think the success of Tár will help end the debate. We’re going to see a wellspring of shitty characters and it will be beautiful!
The V-neck comeback!
Yeah, the whole “indie sleaze” thing was silly, but everybody also made fun of normcore, and now, whether you like it or not, everything is basically normcore. And while I’d personally rather not relive my 20s by seeing aughts style make a comeback, there is something I love about the V-neck—and I’m not the only one. The aughts were a really good time for V-necks thanks to the decade’s most popular canceled brand, American Apparel. You either went regular V or you went deep V. And whether or not indie sleaze sticks around, I do see some bits of the trend has a residual impact. The V renaissance, so to speak. More t-shirts and sweatshirts, but also more tennis sweaters. Hopefully, they look as good as the one Eric Roberts wore in The Pope of Greenwich Village. That with the gold chain is the peak.
Rian Johnson saves us all!
After a few really bad years, the movies came back in 2022, baby! It was a fun year for The Cinema, and Rian Johnson delivering another popular Knives Out mystery to end the year, and starting the new one with Natasha Lyonne finally—FINALLY—getting to live out her Peter Falk fantasy and play what sounds like the natural heir to Columbo in the Johnson-created show Poker Face, feels like the early days of something really great. It feels like a new era of the fun mystery. A little Agatha Christie, some Clue, and, of course, detective Columbo. Maybe the movie folks will be so moved by the success of Johnson’s stuff that we’ll see more stuff like it and maybe, just maybe, that Bored to Death movie will finally see the light of day.
That’s it for now. I’m signing off for the rest of the year. I need to go enjoy my vacation. Thanks for reading this year and please consider telling people about The Melt. I appreciate all the support and hope I can continue building this thing into something in 2023. Have a happy new year!